Monday, April 25, 2011

MY EROS~my strength

In the misty mid region
i roam with my soul &
you EROS

my heart is volcanic
like the ocean gnashing against
wearing your sculpture down

Clock dials morning
shadows lift at the end of the path
and a crescent spews ether
sedating our tears

i lift my finger bid you
trust me
kiss me
don't turn to dust
change the doom of this reality

things get washed and reused
except deep scars
that discolour and taint
the tissues of life

Copyright: Dianne Tchir

Thursday, April 14, 2011


What folly is this
you poke me with firey fingers
i ice then smear
but still my skin prickles and burns

i am a barometer
i know what things you can do
if i could peel back
the layers of skin &
soothe the joints and muscles
with holy oil
cast you out
of my body

but you poke my head
i am incarcerated
within these walls of pain
until NATURE creates
balance and harmony again

copyright: D.M.Tchir April 14/11

Saturday, April 9, 2011


You utter phonics
in soporific vision
tangled morphs from
dark vexations of  a
broken door

You seek connection
to the outside world